Space Heaters

Space Heaters

Space Heaters Solve Cold Home Office Problems Winter is sticking around, and it’s cold! A lot of us are working at home now and have home offices. Most of us don’t have separate zones for each of our rooms, so, depending on where your home office is, you...
Last-Minute Christmas Ideas

Last-Minute Christmas Ideas

Last-Minute Christmas Ideas and Holiday Gifts Available Now at Frank Burton and Sons! Stop in for some GREAT bargains! Get your loved ones something they REALLY want! Can’t think of what to get your significant other? Don’t have time to wait for shipping?...
Fall Bertch Vanity Sale!

Fall Bertch Vanity Sale!

Stop in at Frank Burton and Sons during our FALL BERTCH VANITY SALE! All Bertch Vanities and Accessories are 40% OFF! FALL VANITY SALE! All Bertch Vanities and Accessories are 40% OFF! With any combination of 21 Door Styles, 6 Wood Species, 28 Stain & Paint...
Oct. 2020 Doorbusters

Oct. 2020 Doorbusters

Oct. 2020 Doorbusters are now available at Frank Burton & Son’s and Shop Local! October is FIRE PREVENTION Month   Check out the Oct. 2020 Doorbusters below: Smoke Alarm: Low profile photoelectric alarm with alarm status LED indicator, test/silence button,...